Monday, December 26, 2011

Man...Im way over due.

Well I finished at Snow College and moved home permanently until I get married. :D
But yesterday was Christmas and I had a wonderful time with BOTH of my families! :D And now...I loved my voice today. so farewell...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dec Blogging...

Well at the request of my awesome roommate. I am going to try the challenge of blogging everday!...I already failed so Im doing two today! this one for Dec 1st just happens to be about 45 minutes late. Lol oops. Sorry V!
I was on the phone with my handsome Fiance'
Well..if you don't know me already, I just got engaged last friday to the most wonderful man in my life who is also my best friend. :D
He recently returned home from his mission almost two weeks ago... hehe
We dated before his mission and kept in good contact while he was there and I don't want to go into too much detail but it was like we both pretty much knew as soon as he got home that we wanted to be together FOREVER!!!! :D Woot woot!
So I am getting married on May 25th in the Manti Temple. I cannot wait!

Well to tell about my day, I woke up an hour before my alarm, and then I tried to go back to sleep before going to the Manti Temple to do baptism. It was fun, I was the only one there the whole time.
Then I went and I working on my lighting design final and found out that my file of my edited song, which is "You're Not Alone" by Saosin, wouldn't work so my Fiance' is going to be spectacular and bring it with us when we come back to Snow together this weekend yay!!!
I then came back had lunch, watched na episode fo SPACE: Above and Beyond. My roommate V would just tell you its weird, she laughs at it when she watches it with me but its a cool show from 1995! my Fiance's father is letting me borrow it. :)
Then I went to my Costume Construction class, worked on my project and tried to work as fast as I could before my time was up for class.
I then later went to a Relief Society Bridal shower for myself and another wonderful sister in my ward who is getting married on Dec. 20th! She just got engaged about two weeks ago. It was fun we told out engagement stories and had dessert and traded recipes. :D
THen I went and did Astronomy homework for 2 hours, stood out in the cold for 30 minutes for my Astronomy Lab and I saw 3 of Jupiter's moons, and the Pliades cluster and the moon! It was really cool to see. I love astronomy I just hate the work load from the class.
When I got back my bathroom had been bugging me sooooo much that I HAD to clean was gross....Moving on...
I then listened to music and my roommate came back from the opening night of The Forgotten Carols, it sounded like it went well. Im going with my Fiance' to see it on Saturday. Yay!
Then I spoke on the phone with my wonderful Fiance' the way his name is Shane Wilson. ^_^ And it was a wonderful talk, we talked about our day and other things pertaining to marriage. It was wonderful and I love him with all of my heart and soul. There is no one else in my life that could fill the place in my heart that he so dearly holds.
Well love you all!
~Amanda Ruth (Soon to be Wilson in less than 6 months!)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I love life many of you know, or those who have known me for the past two years have come to know well of a young man I love with all my heart. My love has just returned from his mission in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He is spectacular and lets just say things are wonderfully well between the two of us. ;) Im so glad to have him back, I feel so much happier and my life could not be any better.
I also went to the temple alone this morning and it was wonderful. As I was driving up to the Manti Temple the fog around and the frost on the temple just glistened in the sun. And the light twice on the towers of the temple shone so bright like it was a beacon. :) I felt a sense of peace and I know that I needed to be there this morning. And it was just wonderful I love going so much!
Well Im off to class and then Im going home to figure out my Spring semester schedule and then go be with the love of my life before Colorguard Practice!


Thursday, November 17, 2011

What my life would be like...

Without you, I would most definately not be who I am today. I would not have wanted to try harder to do better for myself and those around me. I would not have continued to strengthen my own beliefs and to take a look inside myself to find out who I really am. I know I most definately would not have grown to love you more than I ever have before. :) I have a hard time contemplating how I might have been, who I would have been, but I don't want to. I know it may have taken me longer than you to realize how I really truly feel about you, but I know now. The past two years...I would do everything all over the same way if I had to a second time because the experiences I had, the people I met, and the places I have been have helped to shape me into who I am today. And I am so thankful that today has brought me back to you. :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Fail Amanda....Fail. That is all I can hear my roommate say because I did not blog this fall break. But seriously my life has been so crazy.

I have Astronomy homework....loads of it that I have yet to complete.

My Into to Fiction class just has a lot of reading and I should be finishing my essay at the moment. But I like that class because it gives me an excuse to read! If I read just for pleasure during the semester...I will never get my homework done!!!

So...there is also my lighting design class, I have barely touched the homework. Its pathetic and then Im so CLOSE to finishing the jacket part of my costume. Which my costume will look like this, but only in a turquoise and greenish silk fabric. IM SO EXCITED FOR IT! I will definately post my completed project.

Going to finish my homework now...sigh

Sunday, September 25, 2011


I finally figured out how to get this blog in to my other email account! Woot! :D
Spent today mostly on homework besides going to church...oy taking a break and thought I would pop on here for a sec.
The play the Taming of the Shrew, that I am in opens a week from Wednesday! Ahh....its crazy. Im sad its my last show at Snow College, but I couldn't have asked it to be a Shakespeare play. So Im all good. :) going to take a break from homework and do something for a little watching supernatural and eating ice cream!!! Yay!
I hope you had a wonderful day today.
BTW Pres. Uchtdorf's talk last night was my favorite, it was so good. I love it when you feel like the apostles are speaking directly to you.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Whirlwind of a day

Whirlwind of a day? What about the month or the year?! Life is so crazy....why am I up now posting when I should be finishing my assignment, its because my wonderful roommate wants me to blog so I am. This may be short, but I shall evenutally get on here more often.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Oy Vey...

Its been a while my friends. What to post...well I freaking finally got a job. :) And I am now going to a job interview tomorrow for a 2nd job, both are in fact summer jobs. And then I have a few jobs at the college over the summer. I think I am going to make it! I just wanted to make enough money so I can not burden my parents with my money debts and take care of it myself. I can proudly say I have yet to take out ANY loans for college. And that will continue to be the goal! But I just needed a job too so I can start saving for future more college dues, and possibly a mission...if that is where life takes me. So yeah! :) This past weekend totally rocked. I got to go stay the weekend with my BESTEST friend ever! She and I had so much fun, besides the fact she had graduation it was still wonderful to see her and to just be with someone who really knows me and I don't feel judged or criticized hanging around. And that I know she wants me to be around. I get that feeling here sometimes, cause I feel left out, but I have no reason too, I just wasn't invited that time. So if you ever catch me pouting about feeling left out...Stop me...seriously...its pathetic to let yourself feel that way. I just have a lot of different people I am close to in different ways, and sometimes its hard cause Im not close to people I used to be close to, and I miss being close them hence why I feel left out. But I just...nevermind it doesn't need to be mentioned anymore.
So...Im going back to colorguard. :D I am on the team for the next season of Winterguard, I am on UVU's team called Envision! I am so excited!  Well if I ever remember to get on here again I shall do so.
Guten Nacht!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ho hum...

I want to keep up on this if I can, I guess we shall see. If I ever have time anymore.
The Spring semester just started and I am already busy.
But I am in the Musical!! We are doing Seussical the musical and I am a Who in family #3. its going to be fun. :)
Well...starting tomorrow on the 10th of January, I will be starting P90X Woot! I'm excited, now lets see how long I can keep this up. I just want to feel better in my overall health and mentality that I just can feel great about myself because I am working out. So I will! :)
Hmm...lets see, im trying to keep up with my friends who are on their missions and one of my wonderful friends, more so like my Best Friend! I have about 6 BEST friends. :) Yes...I can why because its awesome! But he is definately my Best Friend and he will be home in about 10 months. :D I'm excited for that.
Um...i'm really looking forward to this coming semester it shall be interesting for sure.
I am already enjoying my classes and I want to turn my reading habits into a habit of reading Voraciously!!
Well im off!