Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ho hum...

I want to keep up on this if I can, I guess we shall see. If I ever have time anymore.
The Spring semester just started and I am already busy.
But I am in the Musical!! We are doing Seussical the musical and I am a Who in family #3. its going to be fun. :)
Well...starting tomorrow on the 10th of January, I will be starting P90X Woot! I'm excited, now lets see how long I can keep this up. I just want to feel better in my overall health and mentality that I just can feel great about myself because I am working out. So I will! :)
Hmm...lets see, im trying to keep up with my friends who are on their missions and one of my wonderful friends, more so like my Best Friend! I have about 6 BEST friends. :) Yes...I can why because its awesome! But he is definately my Best Friend and he will be home in about 10 months. :D I'm excited for that.
Um...i'm really looking forward to this coming semester it shall be interesting for sure.
I am already enjoying my classes and I want to turn my reading habits into a habit of reading Voraciously!!
Well im off!