Sunday, September 25, 2011


I finally figured out how to get this blog in to my other email account! Woot! :D
Spent today mostly on homework besides going to church...oy taking a break and thought I would pop on here for a sec.
The play the Taming of the Shrew, that I am in opens a week from Wednesday! Ahh....its crazy. Im sad its my last show at Snow College, but I couldn't have asked it to be a Shakespeare play. So Im all good. :) going to take a break from homework and do something for a little watching supernatural and eating ice cream!!! Yay!
I hope you had a wonderful day today.
BTW Pres. Uchtdorf's talk last night was my favorite, it was so good. I love it when you feel like the apostles are speaking directly to you.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Whirlwind of a day

Whirlwind of a day? What about the month or the year?! Life is so crazy....why am I up now posting when I should be finishing my assignment, its because my wonderful roommate wants me to blog so I am. This may be short, but I shall evenutally get on here more often.